Zweli’s Kitchen Platters
Platters feed 1-4 people
Wing Platter
Comes with 12 wings and two large sides
Gluten free
Full Platter
Comes with one whole chicken and two large sides
Feeds 2
Gluten free
Jumbo Platter
Zim Platter
Sides Platter
Large Sides Platter
Samosa Platter
Magwinya Platter
Comes with two whole chickens and two large sides
Feeds 2-4
Gluten free
Comes with oxtails, Boerewors sausage, 12 Piri Piri chicken wings, and three large sides
Feeds 3-4
Gluten free
Comes with your choice of three sides
Feeds 1
Good option for vegans/vegetarians
Gluten free
Comes with your choice of three large sides
Feeds 1-2
Good option for vegans/vegetarians
Gluten free
10 samosas
Comes with either all beef, all veggie, or half of both.
Dipping sauce included
Pronounced (ma-gwen-ya)
Comes with 12 Zimbabwean sweet (with powder sugar) or savory donuts